
shooting specs

Shoot on phone, webcam or DSLR camera. Record horizontally, not vertically. A tripod or steady surface to sit the camera on would be great but not required. Don’t submit a file over 20GB.



Try to shoot it in an area that gives context to where you are in the world. If you are filming in your house, don’t film it against a blank wall. What in your house might look unique to your culture? Living rooms, balconies, or kitchens can all give some interesting perspective. Keep the camera eye level when responding to questions. Try to film yourself from the chest up.




We are open to talent speaking any language. If you answer a question in a language other than English, please verbally translate what you said in English right after.




  1. What is your name and what country do you live in?

  2. What do you do for fun during quarantine? What are you doing to combat boredom? Show us.
    (Examples: Learning how to play the guitar, exercise, singing from the balcony, yoga, gardening, inventing new games, drinking heavily, etc.)

  3. What is dating like in your country?
    (How do people meet? How has it changed for you since the coronavirus? How has quarantine affected your sex life?)

  4. What’s considered taboo in your country?
    (Share something that you feel is unique compared to other parts of the world. Example: Standing while eating in Indonesia)

  5. Share a cultural dance from your country or whatever is popular right now.
    (Film yourself doing the dance and explain the origin of the dance. We know it's weird, but try to record yourself dancing to no music.)

  6. Show us your pet!
    (Ideas: film them doing a trick, eating, sleeping, snuggling up to you, etc.)

  7. What’s your morning routine? Show us!
    (Actually film yourself going through your morning routine. Example: Brush teeth, wash face, makeup, style hair, etc.)



First, send us your information by clicking the button below.

Once submitted, you will automatically receive an emailed contract, allowing us to use your footage (make sure to check your spam!). Once signed, you will receive further instructions about how to send us your files.

You must be 18 years or older to submit a video.
We’re not accepting U.S. submissions at the moment.

Due to the high volume of submissions, we’re unfortunately not able to respond to everyone.